Conference Call-A-Mania
You hear us talking about all the conference calls that we participate in when we are in an intensified state of readiness and we thought we would give you just a quick overview of the number of calls that we will be participating in today.
First thing this morning we will be participating in the FEMA Voluntary Agencies Active in Disaster conference call; followed by a call with all the State Support Functions (SSFs) and Vermont Emergency Management. At 12:30 we will be hosting our regional Disaster Leadership Team conference call and will then participate in the National Disaster Operations Center (NHQ-DOC) call with all of the northeastern states. These are the calls that are currently scheduled and we are always prepared to participate in any others that occur during the day.
The calls are a very essential part of the Intel Gathering and Situational Awareness that provides the foundation for our being ready to respond to whatever need occurs as the result of any of the storms that we are following.